Computing Teaching Staff
- Mr P Allen
- Ms K Price: Curriculum Leader
Why Computing is important
In today’s technologically dependent culture, Computing is now a key subject within the curriculum. Our school-leavers need to be familiar with computing principles if the economy is to be competitive over the long term. As an educator, there is nothing better to see than the face of a student light up when they have solved a problem using Python, be it fixing an error in their code or simply printing the desired output.
The most important aspect of Computing focuses on how computer systems work and why they work, because although the technology is changing constantly, the principles that future technologies are built on do not. Furthermore, it is an essential skill for life. Students study the core principles of Computational thinking, creating, designing and writing Algorithms with the intention of Programming. As computers solve problems to serve people, there is a significant human side to computer science as well and exploring aspects of Emerging technologies and Artificial Intelligence in the curriculum.
Computers appear in almost every aspect of our society, and are still increasing in popularity. Students are given an insight how embedded systems work and how they are used from shopping and communicating to driving our cars, controlling our homes and making decisions for us – there’s very little a computer can’t do. And if a computer can’t do it, chances are someone’s trying to make it do it. The number of jobs will increase rapidly as people realise its importance, as well as our dependence upon it. If we do not teach young people to be digitally literate, and prepared for the future, then society will suffer.
Teaching and Learning in Computing
Computing teachers use a wide range of teaching and learning approaches to engage students and stimulate their interest. Students will work individually and in pairs to share ideas and respond to different programming and IT related problems. Students can further enhance their eLearning experience using Microsoft Teams and continue to work collaboratively with their peers. Communication skills are continually built up as we look to help students understand their place in the world and how they can express this articulately.
The subject has a balance between practical application of theoretical principles in order to test students’ knowledge and understanding of systems. Students are asked to test their computational thinking skills through regular problem solving tasks ensuring the practice of lateral thinking is embedded throughout the subject.
A key attribute for success for success is the ability to plan solutions from inception to implementation – working through problems and the ability to adapt to solutions are essential skills.
Curriculum Vision Creative iMedia
Key Stage 3
Students study Computing as part of their Technology rotation. In Year 7, after learning key skills on how to stay safe on the internet, students will develop their skills in basic IT – including Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Office, alongside opportunities to understand computer systems and graphics software. They will also have the opportunity to learn a block-based programming language. In Year 8, these basic skills are further developed alongside an introduction to Databases, Algorithms, programming using Python and digital audio. In Year 9 these concepts are again taken to the next level in particular understanding Algorithms and programming using Python.
Key Stage 4
Students have the choice to study two separate qualifications, Computer Science and Creative iMedia.
Computer Science:
This GCSE gives students who an interest in programming and the way in which computers work to develop their understanding of both themes. They learn how the different components in a computer work, as well as gaining knowledge about networking and software such as operating systems. They will also get to develop their knowledge of programming and computational thinking looking at extended programming tasks. The knowledge for the course is split across 2 different papers
- Paper 1 – Computer systems
- Paper 2 – Computational thinking, algorithms and programming
Creative iMedia:
This GCSE gives students who have an interest in digital graphics and any form of creative media to develop their skills. They have the opportunity to look at a range of planning techniques that are used through the industry and how just like in the real work you will be working from a brief that is set for you by a client and work to produce a given product that meets these criteria. The course is currently made up of 4 units:
- R093: Creative iMedia in the media industry
- R094: Visual identity and digital graphics
- Plus one extra NEA
KS4 Specifications
Links to the GCSE specifications for Computer Science and Creative iMedia: